We are stronger together.
A "synagogue without walls" informal group for cultural & spiritual Jewish life in Delaware & region.
Beautiful music and spiritual gatherings.
Our events rotate among members houses in the area. We sing, pray, and learn together and then usually enjoy a pot luck vegetarian meal.
Together As One
From the beginning, music has been at the core of our community. We dance and sing together. Concerts as part of a Shabbat service is usual for us.
There is nothing like the smell of fresh Challah. We eat together at most gatherings. Always something new to try.
Shana Tova! Holiday traditions are important to us and as a community we look forward to celebrating together during Yamim Tovim.
Praying outdoors is a great way to leave the work week behind and let Shabbat in.
Shana Tova
A shofar blast, long Bob Marley medley, Hebrew singing, and rousing song - all part of our community’s events.
Social justice and a safe open space to discourse about current events, Israel, or anything we want is a special part of the Havurah.